
Here’s a small selection of web projects I developed for clients using WordPress.

WooCommerce Shop

WordPress: development of an individual WooCommerce theme according to a concept and design delivered by the client.
Highly customized, including an individualWooCommerce plugin:

  • Overriding the original WooCommerce cart
  • Definition of customer groups, group based products, delivery zones, delivery costs, group based minimum order amounts and sums
  • Definition of product and date specific rules for commodities management
  • Customizing of all related emails
Anonymes Beispielprojekte 2

Friendship Berlin

WordPress: development of an individual responsive theme according to a design delivered by the client: friendshipberlin.de


WordPress: development of an individual responsive theme according to a design delivered by the client: studieren.org

RW Corner

WordPress: development of an individual responsive theme according to a design delivered by the client: rwcorner.de


WordPress: development of an individual responsive theme according to a design delivered by the client. Including a forum, artists and event database with geolocation search: craftentfaltung.de

Wordpress Theme Craftenfaltung

Lounge Guitars

WordPress: Theme modifications, development of templates, plugins and widgets: lounge-guitars.com


WordPress: Theme-Anpassung, Entwicklung von Plugins und Widgets: proschule.org